Round 13 - 2 Mullumby Defender identified Line Bets

Note Gold Coast selection is removed because of poor reliability at winning selected games

Gold Coast win 30% of games selected by Defender to win

St Kilda lose 89% of the games Defender selects them to lose

Product =  27% which is less than the optimised parameter of 35% - so no bet


  1. Hi Sir, I'm new here and im trying to understand your model. Are you going with Geelong and Hawks at the Line? Does the model take into account that Geelong is playing their home game at the G?

  2. Yes to the line bets. The model has selected 13 linebets so far this season (it starts working in round 7) and has scored 11 correct so far. Yes, both Geelong and Richmond get their respective HGAs. The model has Geelong losing by 5 pts and Hawthorn winning by 15pts


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